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1971 MAZDA RX-3
この輝きを見よ! この極悪ずらがたまらなくカッコイイ、永久の男のヒーローだね!
外観と内装はオリジナルを保つ反面、エンジンは13Bのストリートポートにターボの組み合わせ!燃料やその他パイブは全て引き直されている。リアに履かせた15インチ10jの225/50/15の極太タイヤとダブル出しのマフラーがストリートドラッグの匂いがプンプンさせる。もちろんブレーキも抜かる事無く4輪ディスクに替えてある!若い物にはまだまだ負けない、Cool Classic Old School 略してCCOS!

Here I introduce the owner of this RX-3, RJ. I imagined that he is such a rotary only guy because his daily drive is Miata (Mazda Roadster) as well, but surprisingly his garage was filled with TE27 Levin and AE86 Rally, engines and lots of pictures. (It's for nest time!)More surprise was, even though he had only 2 years of rally experience, there are so many trophies piled up…and also he used to do motocross as well.

He used to be working in a ship exporting and importing goods in Japan and Korea. So he knows how the Japanese car life back then, when he had chance to stay in islands.

His daily car is now MIATA,
Japanese name "Unos"

P.J. Bonifacio creates and comes all the old school boys' dream come true. If you want to win the prize, you gotta have his paint!

Special thanks to PJ Bonifacio & all

This car was featured in a Japanese car magazine
"HOT IMPORT" ホットインポート12月掲載

RJ  :あーるじぇい

PAGE UP 2.5.2005


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