page last updated Jan. 2007
Gallery - J - 2007
from JAPAN - "Kiryu Classic Car Festival"

SPECIAL REPORT from Gunma - Japan
" Kiryu Classic Car Festival "
Nov.5. 2006

This 1st time event in Kiryu, Japan was held by the group of people who represent real enthusiasts and collectors in Gunma, and the Maehara Automobile Museum in Kiryu.

This dream-come-true event ocupied the down town in Kiryu, all spots were designated only to historical Japanese classic vehicles and now as you can see, all hard-to-find cars. Can you hear so many people's hearts ponding? No boundary between Japan and So-Cal!
JCCS participated in this event & donated giveaways.
Special Thanks to Maehara bros. for the photos!

2007年第一弾のスペシャルリポートは、日本の群馬県は桐生市で催された「桐生クラシックカーショウ」第一回目とは思えないほどの素晴らしいイベント!是非2年目以降も催して欲しい!中心になったのは同市に在する「前原自動車博物館」で、館庁の前原さんは、日本では有名なビンテージTOYOTA, 特にクラウンのコレクター。
今回の画像はMaehara Brosよりの提供!


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