Official DVD will be on sale in December 2007
coming along with the special Bonus features!
JCCS 07 another successful event ... check out more at
updated: Nov.8, 2007
JCCS 07 Tour from JAPAN ... join the tour to visit JCCS in Long Beach!
For Kyu-sha guys in is the tour to join! The tour includes the Long Beach Hi-Performance
Swapmeet to visit, too much good stuff to miss! Don't be late.....

1958 Toyopet Crown, just restored!
This is just like a brand new, in-out and even smells new 58 Crown that
Toyota Museum in Torrance just got it retored. It was almost bones when
it was found in the mountain in Oregon, now here it is, a new pricess is
born! City of Torrance had [ROCK AROUND THE BLOCK at Torrance Historical
Society and Museum] event, and this Crown and 2007 Hybrid Camry are only
Toyota there amoug big 50's American cars.
You will see this brand-new Toyotpet Crown at the JCCS 07!!!Be there!
JCCS Event Date has been Changed... Re-mark on your calender for Oct.6th,
Saturday, 2007
カリフォルニア旧車集会ことJapanese Classic Car Show 2007の日付が変更いたしました。会場に変更はありません。ぜひお盆から更にはなれた10月6日を狙っての日本からのご旅行をお待ちしています。

Post: May 15.2007
12th Annual All Toyota was such a huge success!!!
Thanks for all the supports for TORC operation team, all the models from 1957 - 2007 were all gathered at the Queen Mary.
More details and pictures are now ready here
Post: May 1.2007 here is more pictures
West Coast Nationals .... the biggest Z car show, 400 Z cars are reunited
Lightning 別冊 Vintage Autoマガジンでは、GourpZ は「グループ爺」なんてかかれてましたが、そうなんです、年齢層高いです皆さん・・・(笑))
The 1st year of MSA show at this new location! What a gas!! About 400 of
Z, Z and Z and Zs....there are such many Z heads who don't mind waking
up at 3am and get in line, then so they deserve the vest spot and awards!
Congratulation for the Motorsport Auto for this relocation and the new
start for the West Coast Nationals. Thanks for having Katy's 240Z, we never
got board being there!! This event will be featured on "Gallery-J", so stay tuned!!
Isn't this...? yes!! Real JDM Fairlady Z, from Japan : )
Post: April 1.2007
Come visit Toyota Grand prix & All Toyotafest
一年に2度のトヨタ祭り・・・(日本的♪)が近づいて参りました。まずは4月17日のToyota Long Beach GrandPrix!ドリフトなんかも絡めて最近はますます盛り上がっています。元気があるのは、Formula Drift、全米を回っています。
そして5月12日はKATYも役員として活躍、TORCの主催するこのALL TOYOTAFEST, 北米TOYOTAの50周年に絡めて盛り上がっています!日本の雑誌には去年からちらほら登場しているのでご存知の方もいるはず。日本からはあの[MOONEYES] [高速有鉛]もなんとスポンサーというビッグなイベントは、レジストレーション開始から半月で既に200台のエントリー!オールドスクールならではの「グリルバッジ」が手に入るVIPレジストレーションも好評です。なんとテレビでしかお目にかかれないレースカーも来ます。名前は掛けません!
Only 15days form the registration opening date, 65% spot is already filled.
Don't be late, snooze, you loose! TORC hosts an exciting event to have
all the Toyota heads from all over the world.
Check out our EVENTS page for event listings.
Post: Feb.17.07
"Katy's Nest - Celica on the cover!
Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car Magazine"
In the 2007 January issue, a popular Magazine in the USA, "Sports and Exotic Car Magazine" from Hemmings Motor News chose Katy's 1972 Toyota Celica in an article about "Endangered Species" More, Click
Post: Feb.7.07
"Special Report from team Kaneko...
Datsun 510 BEATS Evo, Sti and 350ZX at Time Attack race"
Team Kaneko's Tod Kaneko proudly reports his Datsun Rotary 510 won a 3rd
place at the the Primedia “Time Attack” event at Button Willow, CA.
More story: click!
ライトニング別冊、ビンテージオートでもおなじみの、トッドのRotary 510がぶち抜いた!ボタンウイローで行われたタイムアタックレースにて。詳しくはクリック!

Post: Feb.5.07
"Streets page 2007 starts! A new style with a little comments"
Katy's Nest can not commit for a Blog, but maybe we can just get started with our popular (?) STREETS page. The same Blah-Blah, but separated by the date for easy view.
Hope you will enjoy the new "Streets 2007"!
Post: Jan.23.07
お正月企画、ダッツミート DATSMEET は大成功に終わりました。おいしいランチ、DATS仲間達での楽しい一時はあっと言う間!詳しくはこちらのページ
A great turn-pit!! See more coverages of "New Year Datsmeet Show & Shine" IMAGES here
Katy's Nest site renewal - New Year Greetings
post: Jan. 2007 
2007年もぜひKaty's Nestをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
2007年度のKATYの手がける主なイベントは、1月20日のnew year DATSMEET, (お正月だよ!ダッツミートといった所ですね) を皮切りに、ローカルの仲間達とのスワップミートやBBQは当然ながら、5月12日にはロングビーチのクイーンメリーにてTORC主催:第12回ALL TOYOTAFEST を開催。昨年は日本では雑誌クルージン(Cruisin)やライトニング(Lightning Vintage Auto)にも取り上げていただきました。9月29日には「第3回カリフォルニア ジャパニーズクラシックカーショウ」JCCS が開催されます。こちらはアメリカと日本でのメディアカバレージの紹介ページです。 web流出に関してはとどまる所なく、YouTubeなどでも流れていたようで、なんとも嬉しい限りです。
Katy's Nest..........................
Happy New Year to everyone. It's been too long for Katy to stick with the original top page images
and stuff that some people maybe got tired of! LOL))
It's the time to finally clean the the websites, together with all the
expanded photos from here and there...
As a new year resolution, Katy's Nest. com try to keep you guys posted
what's going on in So-Cal's automotive scenes more than the last year. organizing the JCCS, it was very hard for Katy to catch up
the updates as fast as we used to do, and also for attending the shows
were actually less than ever. Thanks to those auto magazines both in Japan
and the US who covered the JCCS and All Toyotafest.
However, we are here for the new 2007! We won't get you a long silence,
so check back in here.
Thank you,
Katy's Nest